Monday, March 5, 2012


light coming into fog against invisible

ridge, first sparrow calling from field

in foreground, sound of wave in channel

in this sense space is mass

of matter, that which

follows that, in accordance

with, hence the other

cloudless blue sky reflected in channel,

sunlit green of pine on tip of sandspit


  1. Just so ABSOLUTELY REMARKABLE (but Forgive the/any hyperbole, too). Don't ever stop (you know, idealistically, and all). Of course, starting something else, resting, ALL OK, obviously.

    I was talking with Ken Warren recently (helping him proofread a fabulous book of essays that he's written over the years and is now putting together, soon to publish. He's familiar with your writing, too (actually, you may know him, I just thought of that), but anyways, I described your _REAL_ and other writing, like this, as "PURE Phenomenology," which he thought apt. Of course, I view Bob's "scrawl poems" as another very certain "phenomenological" CONTACT with "world." Blah blah... (Oh, HA, that's another reason why it "cannot be reproduced," HA -- it's already existed...

    Oh, and Eric Selland, whose gorgeous _Still Lifes_ just came out also says you influence him, and that you've been reading a bit of Heidegger and the Objectivists (or maybe he was...). (Personally, I always preferred, of course, Fritz Perls and Alexander Lowen, to Heidegger, who is of course much more "abstract," but that's another subject. (And I read philosophers like that 35 years ago, long before I started reading "poetry," and really only more and more THESE DAYS, I get the connections between them... Oh well...

    Hey, e-mail me sometime about possibility, if you're interested, and ask Bob and Joanne, perhaps, too, writing something for "Sonoma / Bromige Issue" --

    A "Bolinas Issue," the three of you, one day, too, but for now, I hope to get "Sonoma /Bromige Issue" going, been on the backburners a long time, etc.

  2. Hello there Steve, nice to find all this here, hear/see there's someone out there noticing all this (!). And yes, the "Sonoma / Bromige Issue" -- and a "Bolinas Issue" too (!)
