Sunday, January 31, 2010


first grey light in clouds above blackness

of ridge, white edge of moon below branch

in foreground, sound of waves in channel

compact, a shadow on object

not obstructing light

it seems, tension, explicit

physicality of sketch

sunlit cloud in pale blue sky on horizon,

tree-lined green of ridge across from it

Saturday, January 30, 2010


pale orange line of cloud above shadowed

ridge, red-tailed hawk calling on branch

in foreground, sound of waves in channel

a matter of extent in space,

with respect to space

line at three points, point

constant, of interval

grey-white sky on horizon next to point,

shadowed canyon of ridge across from it

Friday, January 29, 2010


first grey light in cloud above shadowed

ridge, red-tailed hawk calling on branch

in foreground, sound of waves in channel

corresponding word, closure

in the same dimension

an idea of what is, and how,

capable of being seen

white cloud in pale blue sky above point,

tree-lined green of ridge across from it

Thursday, January 28, 2010


grey whiteness of cloud against invisible

ridge, red-tailed hawk calling on branch

in foreground, sound of wave in channel

thing made up of sensations,

and in itself nothing

means, analysis of elements,

construction of other

blue line of sky in clouds next to point,

tree-lined green of ridge across from it

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


grey-white of clouds above sunlit green

ridge, red-tailed hawk calling in left

foreground, sound of waves in channel

full-blown color experience,

"now that I have seen"

part, immediate spoken word,

had been written down

grey-white clouds reflected in channel,

shadowed slope of ridge across from it

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


grey whiteness of cloud above blackness

of ridge, motion of shadowed black leaf

in foreground, sound of wave in channel

action of color, prescribed

leaf a touch of green

a picture, deep space until

the surface, flatness

grey-white cloud against slope of ridge,

silver of rain drops falling in channel

Monday, January 25, 2010


grey whiteness of cloud against invisible

ridge, motion of shadowed leaf on branch

in foreground, sound of wave in channel

now show that this leads to

some motion, particle

a kind of centrifugal force,

motion and, therefore

grey-white clouds reflected in channel,

wingspan of tern flapping toward point

Sunday, January 24, 2010


orange of sky on horizon above blackness

of trees, song sparrow calling on branch

in foreground, sound of waves in channel

from word meaning extracted,
but not as resistance

wall, building in landscape,

into which nature was

silver of sunlight reflected in channel,

shadowed green slope of ridge across it

Saturday, January 23, 2010


white cloud in pale blue sky above still

black ridge, silver of drops on branches

in foreground, sound of waves in channel

and even more of perception,
'project of memories'

in this respect, apart from

it, this fact remains

grey rain cloud on horizon next to point,

tree-lined green of ridge across channel

Friday, January 22, 2010


grey whiteness of cloud above blackness

of ridge, motion of shadowed wet branch

in foreground, sound of wave in channel

simultaneous contrast, that

was a subject in line

something that shows itself,

only a word, thinking

grey whiteness of clouds next to point,

shadowed slope of ridge across channel

Thursday, January 21, 2010


grey whiteness of cloud above blackness

of ridge, motion of shadowed green leaf

in foreground, sound of wave in channel

if the eye hears and speaks,

form and content from

firm factual ground, object

itself, "seeing it as"

grey-white clouds reflected in channel,

cormorant flapping across toward point

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


grey whiteness of cloud against invisible

ridge, motion of shadowed black branches

in foreground, sound of wave in channel

follows from that, physical

interpretation of act

imaginary angle, the motion

denoted, of the field

grey-white cloud against top of ridge,

silver of drop splashing into channel

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


grey whiteness of cloud against invisible

ridge, motion of shadowed green branches

in foreground, sound of wave in channel

to maintain, one's position

here in certain sense

for more organized panorama,

picture, presumably a

shadowed canyon of ridge above channel,

wingspan of pelican flapping across it

Monday, January 18, 2010


grey whiteness of cloud against invisible

ridge, silver of rain drop on green leaf

in foreground, sound of wave in channel

of perception, from contact

between sensation and

precision, only by repeated

nature, in themselves

blackness of clouds reflected in channel,

shadowed grey of wave breaking across it

Sunday, January 17, 2010


first grey light in sky above still dark

building, vertical edge of wall in upper

left foreground, sound of cars in street

composition, sky at the top

took the place of eye

itself consequence, of such

referring to a hidden

green glass wall against bright blue sky,

sunlit silver of building across from it

Saturday, January 16, 2010


first pink of sunlight in grey whiteness

of sky, shadowed brick-red wall in lower

left foreground, sound of cars in street

veil between object and eye,

reflected in painting

before seeing it as picture,

first, in doing so is

edge of wall against grey-white of sky,

shadowed green building across from it

Friday, January 15, 2010


first pink cloud on horizon above shadowed

building, sandstone-colored wall in lower

left foreground, sound of cars in street

size of particles depend on

components, represent

"curvature" of circle, time

therefore, written in

corner of wall against cloudless blue sky,

shadowed green of building across from it

Thursday, January 14, 2010


whiteness of gull passing across cloudless

pale blue sky, sunlit green wall in lower

left foreground, sound of cars in street

place here in a sense, that

means to remain above

casually organize panorama,

of picture, landscape

grey-white cloud on horizon next to point,

pale blue sky above clouds across from it

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


faint grey light in sky above blackness

of trees, silver of planet above branch

in foreground, sound of wave in channel

meaning source of sensation,

that experience in it

in principle is, penetrates,

is of value in itself

grey-white sky on horizon beside point,

wingspan of pelican flapping toward it

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


first grey light in fog against invisible

ridge, red-tailed hawk calling on branch

in foreground, sound of wave in channel

stokes of pen follow, cues

from skeletal drawing

insight, in the first place,

raised as it is there

grey-white clouds reflected in channel,

shadowed green of ridge across from it

Monday, January 11, 2010


pale pink line of cloud above still black

trees, red-tailed hawk calling on branch

in foreground, sound of wave in channel

that is, acclimated to that

appearance of showing

before being, made aware of

flatness, to see what

silver of sunlight reflected in channel,

shadowed green slope of ridge across it

Sunday, January 10, 2010


pink-red lines of clouds in pale blue sky

above ridge, white curve of moon by leaf

in foreground, sound of wave in channel

system of coordinate moving

with matter, particles

or direction, compared with

point P, "accelerated"

flat grey sky on horizon next to point,

shadowed green of ridge across channel

Saturday, January 9, 2010


first pink-red of sky above still black

trees, waning white moon next to branch

in foreground, sound of wave in channel

standing-against the moment,

in that case the word

hardly present, the picture,

something happened on

grey-white clouds reflected in channel,

wingspan of pelican flapping across it

Friday, January 8, 2010


first pale orange of sky above blackness

of trees, whiteness of half moon by leaf

in foreground, sound of waves in channel

elements of picture, itself

meaning in perception

e.g., the logical character

of construction, fact

grey-white clouds reflected in channel,

shadowed slope of cliff across from it

Thursday, January 7, 2010


first grey light in fog against invisible

ridge, white half of moon next to leaves

in foreground, sound of wave in channel

light, lines of perspective

evidently on the spot

inscribed in being, the way

writing is, withdrawn

white moon in pale blue sky on horizon,

sandstone-colored cliff across from it

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


first pale pink of cloud above blackness

of trees, white half moon next to branch

in foreground, sound of waves in channel

looking out window up there,

"perhaps could do it"

presence of flatness rather,

reversed, of pictures

grey-white of sky reflected in channel,

shadowed green slope of ridge above it

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


redness of sky on horizon above branches

of trees, white half moon next to branch

in foreground, sound of waves in channel

upon which such description

is based, a reference

corresponding to an instant,

acceleration, changes

blue-white of sky reflected in channel,

sandstone colored cliff across from it

Monday, January 4, 2010


red-orange cloud below shadowed branches

of trees, whiteness of moon above branch

in foreground, sound of waves in channel

therein the moment "against,"

space before entrance

after a different stage one,

origin, middle ground

sunlit white clouds to the left of point,

tree-lined green of ridge across from it

Sunday, January 3, 2010


grey light coming into sky above blackness

of ridge, waning white moon beside branch

in foreground, sound of waves in channel

this moment light and shade,

basic spatial meaning

in a sense, something which

is to be, in practice

silver of sunlight reflected in channel,

shadowed canyon of ridge across from it

Saturday, January 2, 2010


first grey light in sky above still black

ridge, white circle of moon above branch

in foreground, sound of wave in channel

position, lined on one side

and on the other with

formations, following "verb"

writing, of "grammar"

whiteness of clouds reflected in channel,

shadowed green canyon of ridge across it