Thursday, September 12, 2024


light grey whiteness of fog against invisible ridge two sparrows landing by seeds on table beside fence 

phenomenon of perception to the end of appearance other than horizon far from in fact figure before one 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening blue jay landing on branch in window beside yellow and blue bed 

grey whiteness of fog against invisible shoulder of ridge sound of wave breaking on sand beside channel

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


blinding white circle of sun in cloudless blue sky above ridge 3 sparrows by seeds on table below fence 

follow thought speaking of language something spoken more than first listen to the window falling steps 

breathing out eyes closed opening motion of shadowed green leaves in window next to yellow and blue bed 

blinding whiteness of sun coming up above shoulder of ridge sunlit waves breaking into mouth of channel

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


light grey whiteness of fog against top of shadowed ridge two towhees beside seeds on table below fence 

colors in landscape five fifty seventy days of sketches more finished relate in way back to during time 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening shadowed green leaves on branches in window yellow and blue bed 

grey whiteness of fog against top of shoulder of ridge line of wave breaking to the left across channel

Monday, September 9, 2024


light grey whiteness of fog against invisible ridge sparrow landing beside seeds on table next to fence 

front figures weather the stone made to look like a line the person again part head arms range of hills 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening motionless black leaves on branch in window yellow and blue bed 

grey white fog against top of shoulder of ridge sound of waves breaking on sand to the right of channel

Sunday, September 8, 2024


light grey whiteness of fog against invisible ridge two sparrows landing by seeds on table beside fence 

things seen for what they are part in one’s life pictured presents response to present made present act 

breathing in eyes opening motion of shadowed green leaves on branch in window above yellow and blue bed 

diagonal white edge of fog against shoulder of ridge lines of waves breaking to the left across channel

Saturday, September 7, 2024


blinding whiteness of sun coming up in fog above ridge 4 sparrows landing by seeds on table below fence 

places the coordinates made from last term brackets appear the other two combined together follows that 

breathing out eyes closed opening motion of shadowed green leaves in window next to yellow and blue bed 

white circle of sun in fog against top of shoulder of ridge pelicans flapping to the right toward point


blinding white sun coming up above shadowed ridge blue jay and quail next to seeds on table below fence 

right side like a cloud of dust the rest follows matter conceived fields hold together between elements 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening motionless leaves on branch in window above yellow and blue bed 

blinding white circle of sun beside shoulder of ridge line of wave breaking on sand across from channel


light grey whiteness of fog against invisible ridge sparrows and towhee by seeds on table next to fence 

thinking here the present act of thought words a place in time less the point according to year and day 

breathing out eyes closed opening motionless green leaves on branch in window above yellow and blue bed 

whiteness of sun in fog against invisible shoulder of ridge wave breaking onto sand across from channel

Wednesday, September 4, 2024


light grey whiteness of fog against invisible ridge no birds landing next to seeds on table below fence 

picture in front of place open balancing lake level of the forearm solid on the ground certain darkness 

breathing in breathing out eyes closed opening blue jay calling on branch in window yellow and blue bed 

grey whiteness of fog against invisible shoulder of ridge line of wave breaking on sand next to channel


blinding white circle of sun coming up above shadowed ridge sparrows next to seeds on table below fence 

line dated see in house two directions in question of form abstract details later part of previous year 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening motionless green leaves on branch in window yellow and blue bed 

blinding white sun in cloudless blue sky above shoulder of ridge waves breaking on sand next to channel


blinding white sun rising into cloudless blue sky beside ridge blue jay by seeds on table next to fence 

words which lead one to sensations of nothing which appear themselves as objects bring each other about 

breathing out eyes closed opening sunlit green leaves on branches in window next to yellow and blue bed 

blinding whiteness of sun in bright blue sky next to shoulder of ridge line of wave breaking in channel


blinding white circle of sun in cloudless blue sky beside ridge two doves by seeds on table below fence 

something rather than spoken at random speaking the moment as assertion of what is presence in language 

breathing in breathing out eyes closed opening blue jay calling on branch in window yellow and blue bed 

blinding whiteness of sun in bright blue sky above shoulder of ridge waves breaking in mouth of channel


blinding white circle of sun coming up in cloud above ridge blue jay next to seeds on table below fence 

side moved to keep eye on landscape surrounding house in picture seen colors now bright tones days life 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening shadowed green leaves on branches in window yellow and blue bed 

blinding whiteness of sun in bright blue sky above shoulder of ridge waves breaking in mouth of channel


cloudless bright blue sky next to sunlit left edge of granite ridge sound of water falling across rocks 

present look of attention becomes recognition of figures eyes that keep seeing things including present 

breathing in breathing out eyes closed slowly opening pine branch in window next to yellow and blue bed 

shadowed trees on ridge cloudless against bright blue sky sound of water falling on rocks in foreground


pale blue pink light coming into sky above distant granite ridge triangular edge of peak across from it 

approach to another line of thought left leg of body figures become present in weather old as the hills 

breathing in breathing out eyes closed opening sunlit slope of ridge to the left of yellow and blue bed 

cloudless blue sky above left edge of triangular peak shadowed granite ridge reflected in lake below it


cloudless blue sky beside line of shadowed triangular peaks ridge reflected in motionless lake below it 

first and third terms which cancel one another seen in changing another on the left side in first place 

breathing in breathing out eyes closed slowly opening shadowed granite rock next to yellow and blue bed 

blinding white sun coming up next to edge of peak line of distant ridge against cloudless pale blue sky


white edge of sun coming up above shadowed granite ridge sound of water falling on rocks across from it 

first of three dimensions in space following right hand side of cloud according to what has gone before 

breathing in breathing out eyes closed slowly opening shadowed lodgepole pine above yellow and blue bed 

sunlit tip pf triangular peak against cloudless pale blue sky shadowed green branches to the left of it

Monday, September 2, 2024


light coming into sky above shadowed slope of granite ridge white half moon overhead to the right of it 

thinking of face reference to follow period of thought between beginnings coming forth at definite time 

breathing in breathing out eyes closed opening shadowed granite rock to the left of yellow and blue bed 

blinding first edge of sun rising next to shadowed ridge shadowed granite rock in lower left foreground


sunlit slope of shadowed peak against pale blue sky granite ridge reflected motionless in lake below it 

reading of actual light becomes what in the world detail of distance things the figure reaching forward 

breathing out eyes closed slowly opening shadowed peak reflected in motionless lake blue across from it 

blinding white circle of sun coming up beside line of peaks wind moving across surface of lake below it

Sunday, September 1, 2024


pale blue edge of sky in cloud moving to the left above ridge sound of windblown branches in foreground 

sound of color in picture see reflection in one series today listed in sky house objects sense and line 

breathing out eyes closed slowly opening edges of shadowed granite rock across from yellow and blue bed 

cloud moving above edge of granite ridge waning white moon in pale blue sky above shadowed green branch


light grey white sky above triangular grey peak waning white moon above windblown branch across from it 

circle more than one the other eye recalls two possible terms perceived the same each appears which one 

breathing in breathing out eyes closed opening first edge of sun above granite peak yellow and blue bed 

blinding white edge of sun coming up next to edge of granite ridge whiteness of snow to the right of it


light coming into pale blue white sky beside shadowed granite ridge sound of water falling across rocks 

notion of language in description of phenomena speaking what is spoken in the presence of things spoken

breathing in breathing out eyes slowly opening sound of blue jay calling from branch in left foreground 

white circle of moon in pale blue sky beside ridge motion of shadowed leaves on branches across from it


first pale blue light in sky above top of granite ridge white circle of moon above ridge across from it 

noting shadow in field with rising sun return to the following moving onward eye stopping on the way to 

breathing in breathing out eyes closed opening two blue jays slanting toward branch in right foreground 

cloudless blue sky next to sunlit edge of triangular peak sound water falling onto rocks across from it