Tuesday, August 20, 2024


light coming into yellow orange edge of sky above ridge white circle of moon in branches across from it 

moments in situation call for response action more than falling or closing the force of gravity locates 

breathing out eyes closed opening motionless black leaves on branch in window above yellow and blue bed 

yellow orange edge of sky next to shoulder of ridge lines of waves breaking on sand in mouth of channel

Monday, August 19, 2024


blinding white sun in bright blue sky above ridge two towhees landing beside seeds on table below fence 

present subject first fact the second object sees what it sees impression of the picture not what it is 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening motionless green leaves on branch in window yellow and blue bed 

blinding whiteness of sun in cloudless blue sky above shoulder of ridge pelican flapping toward horizon

Sunday, August 18, 2024


white circle of sun in fog against invisible ridge two blue jays landing by seeds on table beside fence 

field of form in place of matter one in the same way as any other sequence of moments shown second hand 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening sparrow calling on branch in window next to yellow and blue bed 

blinding whiteness of sun in fog against shoulder of ridge pelicans flapping to the left toward channel


white circle of sun in fog against invisible ridge blue jay landing next to seeds on table beside fence 

conditions from point replaced by closed spaces which correspond to three-dimensional constant positive 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening shadowed bird slanting across window beside yellow and blue bed 

light grey whiteness of fog still against shoulder of ridge pelicans flapping to the right toward point

Friday, August 16, 2024


blinding whiteness of sun in cloudless blue sky above ridge blue jay next to seeds on table below fence 

step beginning in the present temporal remoteness closer than what nearest face in reference to thought 

breathing in eyes opening motion of shadowed green leaves on branch in window above yellow and blue bed 

blinding white circle of sun in bright blue sky above shoulder of ridge pelican flapping across horizon

Thursday, August 15, 2024


blinding white circle of sun coming up above ridge blue jay landing beside seeds on table next to fence 

time of standing in light after form of painting sound appears in colors see second relation to picture 

breathing in eyes opening motion of sunlit green leaves on branches in window above yellow and blue bed 

blinding white sun next to cloud beside shoulder of ridge lines of waves breaking into mouth of channel

Wednesday, August 14, 2024


light grey whiteness of fog against invisible ridge sparrows landing next to seeds on table below fence 

experience of the word order the earlier arrangement way of seeing three points on a circle resemblance 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening blue jay calling on branch in window beside yellow and blue bed 

grey whiteness of fog against top of shoulder of ridge lines of pelicans flapping across toward channel

Tuesday, August 13, 2024


blinding white edge of sun rising above shadowed ridge 7 sparrows landing by seeds on table below fence 

language in foreground called upon to describe phenomena appears the evidence motion human present view 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening motionless green leaves on branch in window yellow and blue bed 

blinding white circle of sun coming up over shoulder of ridge wave breaking on sand across from channel

Monday, August 12, 2024


light grey whiteness of fog against invisible ridge blue jay landing next to seeds on table below fence  

rising sun subject the scene in detail pen and ink lines the shadow near the wall among following first 

breathing out eyes opening shadowed bird slanting toward branches in window next to yellow and blue bed 

grey whiteness of fog still against top of shoulder of ridge waves breaking on sand across from channel

Sunday, August 11, 2024


light grey whiteness of fog against still invisible ridge blue jay flapping up from table next to fence 

texture of later work light opalescent phases the person present blend of pictures at first sight sense 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening shadowed bird slanting across window beside yellow and blue bed 

white edge of fog against top of shoulder of ridge line of pelicans gliding to the right toward horizon

Saturday, August 10, 2024


light grey whiteness of fog against invisible ridge blue jay landing next to seeds on table below fence 

content of picture subject second object enough present things seeing when you look described attention 

breathing out eyes slowly opening motion of shadowed green leaves in window next to yellow and blue bed 

grey whiteness of fog against invisible shoulder of ridge line of wave breaking across mouth of channel

Friday, August 9, 2024


grey whiteness of fog against invisible ridge seven sparrows landing next to seeds on table below fence 

corresponding density in system of actions together with gravitational field of matter instead of scale 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening motionless green leaves on branch in window yellow and blue bed 

light grey whiteness of fog against top of shoulder of ridge line of 5 pelicans flapping toward horizon


white edge of sun in fog above shadowed green ridge blue jay landing next to seeds on table below fence 

imagined point direction in space curve cylindrical possibly constant elliptical condition which may be 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening motion of shadowed leaves in window next to yellow and blue bed 

pale blue edge of sky in fog against top of shoulder of ridge wave breaking on sand in mouth of channel

Wednesday, August 7, 2024


white circle of sun rising into clouds above ridge blue jay landing beside seeds on table next to fence  

time of thoughts in a sequence of thinking moving another kind of view nothing to do with actual person 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening shadowed green leaves on branches in window yellow and blue bed 

blinding white circle of sun in pale blue sky above shoulder of ridge wave breaking in mouth of channel

Tuesday, August 6, 2024


grey whiteness of fog against invisible ridge three sparrows landing next to seeds on table below fence 

dark shape sharply focused forms show detail of sequence of lights on building events on face of clouds 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening sparrow calling on branch in window next to yellow and blue bed 

light grey whiteness of fog against shoulder of ridge sound of waves breaking onto sand next to channel

Monday, August 5, 2024


light grey whiteness of fog against invisible ridge blue jay landing next to seeds on table below fence 

locate tree see also third section of series after violet wall plant blue sounds related to white sound 

breathing out eyes closed opening motion of shadowed green leaves in window next to yellow and blue bed 

grey whiteness of fog against top of shoulder of ridge white lines of waves breaking on sand in channel

Sunday, August 4, 2024


light coming into fog against top of shadowed ridge blue jay landing nest to seeds on table below fence 

given shape the present say a red patch in space three points recall a circle past more than one itself 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening shadowed black leaves on branches in window yellow and blue bed 

light grey whiteness of fog against top of shoulder of ridge waves breaking in sand in mouth of channel

Saturday, August 3, 2024


light grey white fog against invisible ridge three sparrows landing next to seeds on table beside fence 

set aside limits of description position of figure in which appears fixed view of how idea has remained 

breathing out eyes closed song sparrow calling on branch across from window next to yellow and blue bed 

grey whiteness of fog against shadowed shoulder of ridge waves breaking to the left in mouth of channel

Friday, August 2, 2024


grey whiteness of fog against invisible ridge seven sparrows landing next to seeds on table below fence 

shadows about the same time not included wall field sun one of them the subject mentioned in the letter 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening sparrow calling on branch in window next to yellow and blue bed 

light grey whiteness of fog against shoulder o ridge sound of wave breaking on sand across from channel

Thursday, August 1, 2024


grey whiteness of fog against still invisible ridge two blue jays landing by seeds on table below fence 

present blend of figures pictures at first sight impression itself moment of tension at the edge of out 

breathing out eyes closed opening motionless black leaves on branch in window above yellow and blue bed 

light grey whiteness of fog against shoulder of ridge wave breaking to the left across mouth of channel