Sunday, June 30, 2024


blinding white circle of sun in bright blue sky above ridge quail landing by seeds on table below fence 

momentum of action dimension surface expression of field in form of subject in note equal to third term 

breathing out eyes opening sunlit edges of windblown green leaves in window next to yellow and blue bed 

blinding white sun in cloudless blue sky above shoulder of ridge wave breaking across windblown channel

Saturday, June 29, 2024


sunlit white edges of fog next to shadowed green ridge two quails landing by seeds on table above fence 

parts moving in the sense of action mentioned above rotating body follows from field relative to system 

breathing in eyes opening motion of shadowed green leaves on branch in window above yellow and blue bed 

light grey whiteness of fog against invisible top of ridge wave breaking on sand to the left of channel

Friday, June 28, 2024


white edge of sun rising into fog above top of ridge two quails landing by seeds on table next to fence 

person on the other hand even the indeterminate figure come across in later thinking to give more color 

breathing in eyes closed opening motion of windblown green leaves in window next to yellow and blue bed 

sunlit whiteness of fog above shoulder of ridge white line of wave breaking on sand across from channel

Thursday, June 27, 2024


blinding white circle of sun coming up beside ridge blue jay flapping from seeds on table next to fence 

think of being visible from a distance at which actions make sense moving close eyes completely made up 

breathing out eyes slowly opening sunlit edges of motionless green leaves in window yellow and blue bed 

blinding white sun in cloudless blue sky above shoulder of ridge waves breaking on sand next to channel


blinding white sun beside cloud in pale blue sky above ridge crow landing by seeds on table below fence 

color can be found in the following light see above curve point and line letters repeated several times 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening motion of windblown leaves in window beside yellow and blue bed 

blinding white sun in cloud above shoulder of ridge lines of waves breaking on sand in mouth of channel


white circle of sun in clouds above shadowed ridge blue jay flapping up from seeds on table below fence 

outline in background coincidence found in further sensation seeing figures one remains forms a picture 

breathing in eyes opening bird slanting to the right across field in window next to yellow and blue bed 

blinding white sun in clouds above shoulder of ridge lines of waves breaking to the left across channel


whiteness of sun coming up in edge of fog next to ridge blue jay landing by seeds on table beside fence 

ground leaves note by sentence emptiness in parts the last two span in such a way that this takes place 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening shadowed leaves on branches in window above yellow and blue bed 

blinding white sun in fog next to shoulder of ridge lines of waves breaking on sand in mouth of channel

Sunday, June 23, 2024


blinding white circle of sun rising into fog above ridge blue jay landing by seeds on table below fence 

black pen on pink paper water marked color period November December drawing sent together with painting 

breathing out eyes opening bird slanting to the right toward branch in window above yellow and blue bed 

blinding whiteness of sun in bright blue sky next to shoulder of ridge wave breaking on sand in channel

Saturday, June 22, 2024


light grey whiteness of fog against invisible ridge blue jay landing next to seeds on table above fence 

frame suggesting something almost transparent body showing grey shimmer of bone the skin tones in color 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening shadowed green leaves on branches in window yellow and blue bed 

grey whiteness of fog against invisible shoulder of ridge line of wave breaking on sand next to channel

Friday, June 21, 2024


light grey whiteness of fog against still invisible ridge blue jay flapping up from table next to fence 

picture the level of paint on the margin flecks of some passage from blank area complex play of figures 

breathing in breathing out eyes closed house sparrow calling on branch below window yellow and blue bed 

grey whiteness of fog against invisible shoulder of ridge line of wave breaking across mouth of channel

Thursday, June 20, 2024


light grey whiteness of fog against invisible ridge two sparrows landing by seeds on table beside fence 

first place in the second equation later notice on the other hand momentum of field in three dimensions 

breathing out eyes closed opening shadowed green leaves on branches in window above yellow and blue bed 

grey whiteness of fog against top of shoulder of ridge waves breaking onto sand to the right of channel

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


blinding white of sun in pale blue sky above ridge two crows landing next to seeds on table below fence 

space in addition to equation of motion action of moving perpendicular to rotation inside a hollow body 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening motionless green leaves on branch in window yellow and blue bed 

white circle of sun in pale blue sky above shoulder of ridge edge of white wave breaking across channel


blinding white circle of sun in pale blue sky above ridge sparrow landing by seeds on table below fence 

ground hidden in relation to less immediate appearance of figure such as in words line persons abstract 

breathing in breathing out eyes closed opening birds chirping on branches in window yellow and blue bed 

white circle of sun in pale blue sky above shoulder of ridge waves breaking on sand across from channel

Monday, June 17, 2024


blinding whiteness sun rising in cloud above ridge two sparrows landing by seeds on table next to fence 

think of others at least painting levels happen in ways of dealing with words different idea of picture 

breathing out eyes opening sunlit edges of windblown green leaves in window next to yellow and blue bed 

blinding white sun in bright blue sky above shoulder of ridge white line of wave on sand beside channel


blinding white sun rising into bright blue sky next to ridge crow landing by seeds on table below fence 

similar diagram forms of square colored red triangle yellow circle blue reference to see above possible 

breathing in breathing out eyes closed crow calling from edge of fence below window yellow and blue bed 

blinding whiteness of sun in bright blue sky above shoulder of ridge edge of wave breaking into channel

Saturday, June 15, 2024


blinding white circle of sun in cloudless blue sky next to ridge crow beside seeds on table below fence 

red colors together to which each is related in place present something as real as parts outline figure 

breathing in breathing out eyes closed opening sunlit green leaves in window beside yellow and blue bed 

blinding white sun rising into cloudless blue sky above shoulder of ridge waves breaking across channel

Friday, June 14, 2024


white circle of sun in clouds against shadowed green ridge two crows next to seeds on table below fence 

return to say what language speaks reflect on statement leads to something else as long as what it says 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening shadowed leaves on branches in window above yellow and blue bed 

whiteness of sun in clouds against shoulder of ridge lines of waves breaking to the left across channel

Thursday, June 13, 2024


light grey whiteness of fog against invisible ridge two sparrows landing by seeds on table beside fence 

face appears on the stairs to the entrance description pine tree near north wall field rising sun water 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening song sparrow calling on branch below window yellow and blue bed 

grey whiteness of fog against still invisible shoulder of ridge waves breaking across windblown channel

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


blinding white circle of sun coming up above ridge two crows landing next to seeds on table below fence 

shift of blue and green grey seen as other also frames the position much the same as version in reverse 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening quail calling on bricks below window beside yellow and blue bed 

white circle of sun in pale blue sky above shoulder of ridge waves breaking on sand across from channel

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


light grey white fog against still invisible ridge first crow landing beside seeds on table below fence 

focal point in other words abstract picture describes look past aspect of everything what it represents 

breathing out eyes closed opening wingspan of crow flapping toward branch in window yellow and blue bed 

light grey whiteness of fog against top of shoulder of ridge waves breaking to the right across channel


light grey whiteness of fog against invisible ridge two crows landing beside seeds on table below fence 

equivalent to last change multiplied by symmetrical remains the first term variation in the first place 

breathing in breathing out eyes slowly opening sparrows calling on branch in window yellow and blue bed 

grey whiteness fog against top of shoulder of ridge lines of waves breaking on sand across from channel


blinding white sun rising into clouds above ridge quail and blue jay next to seeds on table below fence 

motion so far as to further each other corresponding to first space on the right side place easy to see 

breathing in eyes closed opening song sparrow calling from branch in window next to yellow and blue bed 

blinding white sun in pale blue sky above clouds next to shoulder of ridge wave breaking across channel

Saturday, June 8, 2024


light grey whiteness of fog against invisible ridge blue jay landing next to seeds on table below fence 

what stands here in the first place later time calls out rights of words the thoughts of thinking since 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening motionless green leaves on branch in window yellow and blue bed 

grey whiteness of fog against invisible shoulder of ridge wave breaking on sand across mouth of channel

Friday, June 7, 2024


blinding white sun rising between fog and top of ridge two crows landing by seeds on table beside fence 

distance and proximity ground plane in the morning lost here in the picture particular lights and darks 

breathing out eyes slowly opening motion of shadowed green leaves in window next to yellow and blue bed 

blinding whiteness of sun above shoulder of ridge white lines of waves breaking across mouth of channel

Thursday, June 6, 2024


blinding whiteness of sun coming up in fog above shadowed ridge two crows by seeds on table below fence 

photograph it seems planned period appeared in six copies three hundred also in color since shows again 

breathing out eyes opening wingspan of crow flapping to the right in window next to yellow and blue bed 

white circle of sun in fog beside shoulder of ridge lines of waves breaking on sand in mouth of channel

Wednesday, June 5, 2024


blinding white edge of sun rising above shadowed ridge crow flapping up from seeds on table below fence 

sense of something for example as color which includes its parts each related without leaving its place  

breathing in breathing out eyes closed birds chirping on branches in window next to yellow and blue bed 

white circle of sun in cloudless blue sky beside shoulder of ridge lines of waves breaking into channel

Tuesday, June 4, 2024


edge of sun rising into cloudless blue sky above shadowed ridge two crows by seeds on table below fence 

ten more than three times turns to glance at where the ground falls away get to the bottom of something

breathing in breathing out eyes opening quail calling from field across from window yellow and blue bed 

blinding white circle of sun above shadowed shoulder of ridge line of wave breaking in mouth of channel

Monday, June 3, 2024


light grey whiteness of fog against top of shadowed ridge 2 crows landing by seeds on table below fence 

earlier the same door seen appearing in comparison with rectangle depicted between right side and stone 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening sparrow calling on branch in window next to yellow and blue bed 

sunlit edge of fog above shadowed shoulder of ridge lines of waves breaking to the right across channel


blinding white circle of sun coming up above shadowed ridge two crows beside seeds on table below fence 

light tones in the body contained in a frame another life two decades past pigments in background space 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening shadow of bird slanting across window above yellow and blue bed 

blinding whiteness of sun above shadowed shoulder of ridge line of wave breaking on sand beside channel

Saturday, June 1, 2024


blinding white edge of sun coming up above still black ridge crow landing by seeds on table below fence 

focus on gap in the picture see a moment drain away two grey areas spatial limits the image you can see 

breathing in breathing out eyes slowly opening quail calling on bricks below window yellow and blue bed 

blinding white sun in cloudless blue sky above shoulder of ridge waves breaking on sand next to channel