Sunday, December 31, 2023


pale blue edge of sky in clouds beside shadowed ridge sparrows and quails by seeds on table above fence 

today more than anyone changes here further heard repeatedly most after some what it seems to mean much 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening shadowed green leaves on branches in window yellow and blue bed  

light grey whiteness of clouds beside shoulder of ridge lines of waves breaking across mouth of channel

Saturday, December 30, 2023


light grey rain cloud against still invisible ridge quails flapping up from seeds on table beside fence 

permutation of objects translation from notes in possible painting among those landscape and still life 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening crow calling from branch across from window yellow and blue bed 

white edge of grey rain cloud above black shoulder of ridge line of wave breaking into mouth of channel

Friday, December 29, 2023


light grey rain cloud against invisible ridge quails and sparrows landing by seeds on table below fence 

ten reduced to two forms one at first sight seems placed instead of any given name in the following way 

breathing out eyes opening sound of first bird chirping on branch in window next to yellow and blue bed 

grey white rain cloud against shadowed shoulder of ridge lines of waves breaking into windblown channel

Thursday, December 28, 2023


grey whiteness of fog against invisible ridge sparrows and quails landing by seeds on table below fence 

variation only in so far as standing in the field the right hand side of last variable symmetry of form 

breathing out eyes closed opening motionless wet green leaves on branches in window yellow and blue bed 

grey white cloud against black shoulder of ridge windblown white wave breaking against concrete seawall

Wednesday, December 27, 2023


grey rain cloud beside still shadowed ridge sparrows and blue jay landing by seeds on table below fence 

past again turns out beginning comes last thinking form of position the senses at first appear in a way 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening bird chirping on windblown branch in window yellow and blue bed 

grey rain cloud next to black shoulder of ridge lines of waves breaking into windblown mouth of channel

Tuesday, December 26, 2023


horizontal line of light in dark grey cloud above ridge sparrows landing by seeds on table beside fence 

space occupied by things arms helping look situation from which the picture makes sense vanishing point 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening shadowed green leaves on branches in window yellow and blue bed 

sunlit yellow orange edge of cloud beside shoulder of ridge wave breaking on corner of concrete seawall

Monday, December 25, 2023


white lines of clouds in pale blue sky above ridge first sparrows landing by seeds on table below fence 

see original one of three transposed in color from sounds located in house painting extract description 

breathing in eyes closed golden-crowned sparrow calling on branch in window next to yellow and blue bed 

blinding white sun rising into clouds next to shoulder of ridge waves breaking against concrete seawall

Sunday, December 24, 2023


lines of clouds in pale blue sky beside still black ridge planet to the left of branches across from it 

body apprehended senses on the periphery impression in relation once more reflection points see in part 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening shadowed leaves on branches in window above yellow and blue bed 

yellow orange of sun rising into cloud next to shoulder of ridge wave breaking against concrete seawall

Saturday, December 23, 2023


light coming into blue black sky beside still black ridge planet to the left of branches across from it 

rather the presence first of what has been what gathered is in itself not yet since never not something 

breathing out eyes opening sound of first bird chirping on branch in window next to yellow and blue bed 

red orange edge of sun rising above shoulder of ridge waves breaking against corner of concrete seawall

Friday, December 22, 2023


cloudless blue sky above line of fog against ridge sparrows flapping up from seeds on table below fence 

separate from looking leaves visible through the window the wall meant as an impression of surroundings 

breathing in eyes closed fog moving to the left against ridge in window across from yellow and blue bed 

blinding whiteness of sun rising above fog next to shoulder of ridge waves breaking on concrete seawall

Thursday, December 21, 2023


cloudless pale blue white sky above shadowed ridge sparrows landing beside seeds on table next to fence 

those who suggest the person who becomes is not the same notions of objective note also spoken of today 

breathing out eyes opening motion of windblown leaves on branches in window next to yellow and blue bed 

edge of sun rising into cloud beside shoulder of ridge wave breaking against corner of concrete seawall

Wednesday, December 20, 2023


grey blue rain cloud next to shadowed black ridge first sparrows landing by seeds on table beside fence 

breathing in response to position slowness of objects in mind elapsed otherwise made present identified 

breathing in eyes closed opening sound of rain falling on roof above window next to yellow and blue bed 

grey rain cloud above black shoulder of ridge lines of waves breaking across windblown mouth of channel

Tuesday, December 19, 2023


light grey whiteness of fog against invisible ridge quails and sparrows by seeds on table next to fence 

second note in third term on right hand side vanishes transformed the expression of six mixed with last 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening motionless leaves on branch in window above yellow and blue bed 

grey whiteness of fog against invisible shoulder of ridge lines of waves breaking into mouth of channel


shadowed grey rain clouds against top of green ridge sparrows landing beside seeds on table below fence 

motion changes the planet known approximate observations of gravitational field others in part somewhat 

breathing out eyes slowly opening motion of shadowed black leaves in window next to yellow and blue bed 

pale blue edge of sky in clouds above shoulder of ridge line of pelicans flapping across toward channel

Sunday, December 17, 2023


grey whiteness of clouds above shadowed green ridge quails and sparrows by seeds on table next to fence 

two names between thoughts passing somewhere at some place called here at the beginning again and again 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening shadowed green leaves on branches in window yellow and blue bed 

light grey whiteness of clouds beside shoulder of ridge lines of waves breaking across mouth of channel

Saturday, December 16, 2023


cloudless pale blue white sky above shadowed ridge sparrows flapping up from seeds on table below fence 

morning about the location from which to look at it day after day more even than space center of things 

breathing out eyes opening sun coming up through windblown leaves in window next to yellow and blue bed 

blinding yellow orange circle of sun above shoulder of ridge white lines of waves breaking into channel


horizontal lines of clouds in pale blue sky beside ridge sparrows landing by seeds on table below fence 

see the original one of three transposed the color from sound located in house under a note on position 

breathing out eyes opening motion of windblown leaves on branches in window next to yellow and blue bed 

yellow red orange of clouds next to black shoulder of ridge line of 17 pelicans flapping toward channel

Thursday, December 14, 2023


sunlit yellow edge of pale blue sky beside ridge three sparrows landing by seeds on table next to fence 

first said of sensation in casual terms once more see the part which changes the idea of external world 

breathing in breathing out eyes slowly opening first bird chirping in window beside yellow and blue bed 

horizontal pink lines of cloud above black shoulder of ridge shadowed swell lines moving toward channel

Wednesday, December 13, 2023


cloudless blue white sky above still shadowed ridge blue jay landing next to seeds on table below fence 

response in thinking the chance of going a matter rather of being itself in position to follow presence 

breathing in eyes opening motion of shadowed green leaves on branch in window above yellow and blue bed 

blinding yellow orange sun next to fog against shoulder of ridge wave breaking against concrete seawall

Tuesday, December 12, 2023


light grey whiteness of fog against invisible ridge sparrows landing next to seeds on table below fence 

ground followed by parallels between those views from window person enclosed in private world something 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening shadowed black leaves on branches in window yellow and blue bed 

grey whiteness of fog against invisible shoulder of ridge line of five pelicans flapping toward channel

Monday, December 11, 2023


sunlit white line of cloud in pale blue sky beside ridge blue jay landing by seeds on table below fence 

others who know the man who moves to the middle objects spoken of as a step of some length of paragraph 

breathing out eyes opening motionless green of leaves on branches in window next to yellow and blue bed 

blinding white circle of sun coming up next to shoulder of ridge wave breaking against concrete seawall

Sunday, December 10, 2023


horizontal line of cloud in pale blue sky above ridge quails landing beside seeds on table below fence 

color in a different time selected shadows floating position view of paint arranged on surface evidence 

breathing out eyes slowly opening crow calling on branch across from window next to yellow and blue bed 

blinding white circle of sun in clouds next to shoulder of ridge wave breaking against concrete seawall

Saturday, December 9, 2023


sunlit white lines of clouds in pale blue sky above ridge quails landing by seeds on table beside fence 

third term written in the first place right side variant second corresponding to higher and lower forms 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening sound of quail calling below window next to yellow and blue bed 

blinding white circle of sun across from shoulder of ridge waves breaking on corner of concrete seawall

Friday, December 8, 2023


light coming into cloudless blue sky above ridge planet to the left of waning white moon across from it 

light traveling parallel to radius of the sun confirmed observations third consequence motion of planet 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening motion of shadowed leaves in window next to yellow and blue bed 

sunlit yellow red orange of sky above black shoulder of ridge shadowed swell line moving toward channel

Thursday, December 7, 2023


white line of cloud in pale blue sky beside ridge quails sparrows landing by seeds on table below fence 

one in responding giving way before entering speech here also belongs in the possible turn into hearing 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening sun rising below leaves in branch in window yellow and blue bed 

blinding white circle of sun across from shoulder of ridge line of wave breaking on sand beside channel

Wednesday, December 6, 2023


light coming into grey rain clouds against invisible ridge motionless black bamboo leaves next to fence 

three sheets also mention part of the medium painting between upper right described on the ground floor 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening shadowed black leaves on branches in window yellow and blue bed 

light grey whiteness of rain cloud against shoulder of ridge lines of white waves breaking into channel


yellow orange lines of clouds in pale blue sky above ridge quails landing by seeds on table below fence 

between lines more complex than those in view of most many a few above all question recall conversation 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening two frogs croaking across from window above yellow and blue bed 

first edge of sun coming up above shoulder of ridge white line of wave breaking across mouth of channel

Monday, December 4, 2023


sunlit white edge of cloud in pale blue sky above ridge sparrows landing by seeds on table beside fence 

figure in position arrangement in response to painting structure rather than content looked with an eye 

breathing out eyes slowly opening crow calling on branch across from window next to yellow and blue bed 

blinding whiteness of sun in cloud beside shoulder of ridge wave breaking onto sand across from channel


light grey whiteness of cloud against invisible ridge quails landing next to seeds on table below fence 

form in last term material first the second one above extension of six in addition to these three sides 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening shadowed green leaves on branches in window yellow and blue bed 

sunlit white edge of cloud on horizon across from shoulder of ridge line of swell moving toward channel

Saturday, December 2, 2023


light coming in to pink edges of grey clouds above ridge sparrows landing by seeds on table below fence 

velocity of light the same relative to system measure of time according to which parallel at a distance 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening sound of quail calling below window next to yellow and blue bed 

sunlit orange edge of cloud across from shoulder of ridge wave breaking on sand to the right of channel

Friday, December 1, 2023


light coming into pale blue sky next to still black ridge planet to the left of branches across from it 

speaking of silent at times however together the absence of night direction to follow in glimpse hidden 

breathing in breathing out eyes closed sound of crows calling on branches in window yellow and blue bed 

first orange edge of sun coming up over shoulder of ridge line of pelicans flapping across toward point