Tuesday, October 31, 2023


red orange edge of sky above still black ridge two sparrows landing beside seeds on table next to fence 

given possible shadow unfolding every which way painting a landscape calm transparent still long moment 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening sparrow calling on branch in window next to yellow and blue bed 

pink red orange of clouds in pale blue sky above shoulder of ridge waves breaking into mouth of channel

Monday, October 30, 2023


pale yellow edge of cloudless blue sky above ridge 2 sparrows landing beside seeds on table below fence 

return to father in every detail light for example forty times forty continues something recalls figure 

breathing out eyes opening sound of first bird chirping on branch in window next to yellow and blue bed 

diagonal pink line of cloud in pale blue sky above black shoulder of ridge wave breaking across channel

Sunday, October 29, 2023


pale blue whiteness of sky above sunlit green ridge sparrow flapping up from seeds on table below fence  

colors a grey monochrome stage one in peripheral substances change less and more normal structure world 

breathing in eyes opening sound of golden-crowned sparrow calling in window next to yellow and blue bed 

blinding white circle of sun in cloudless blue sky above shoulder of ridge wave breaking across channel


pale yellow edge of sun in cloudless blue sky above ridge quails landing by seeds on table beside fence 

first word corresponding to the view itself stepping away from the beginning of thought experience when 

breathing in eyes opening orange edge of sun in leaves on branches in window beside yellow and blue bed 

blinding yellow orange circle of sun beside shoulder of ridge wave breaking on sand across from channel

Friday, October 27, 2023


pale yellow edge of cloudless blue sky beside ridge sparrows landing next to seeds on table below fence 

shadows in response to place the blue in landscape world subject to object point about being opposed to 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening shadowed leaves on branches in window above yellow and blue bed 

yellow red orange edge of sky next to black shoulder of ridge wave breaking on sand across from channel

Thursday, October 26, 2023


pale yellow edge of cloudless blue sky above ridge blue jay landing by seeds on table across from fence 

elements revealed assume a different color mentioned after years together was to come as the story goes 

breathing out eyes closed opening motionless black leaves on branch in window above yellow and blue bed 

yellow red orange of cloudless blue sky next to shoulder of ridge wave breaking on sand next to channel


2 pink clouds in pale blue sky above shadowed ridge sparrow flapping up from seeds on table below fence 

sensation constant process given sight wherever follows colors first place reduced to four and soon two 

breathing out eyes opening sound of first bird chirping on branch in window next to yellow and blue bed 

yellow red orange edge of sky next to black shoulder of ridge wave breaking on sand across from channel

Tuesday, October 24, 2023


light grey whiteness of fog against invisible ridge first sparrow landing by seeds on table below fence 

things from time to time a deer in its own way staying picture objects everywhere compared with measure 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening motionless black leaves on branch in window yellow and blue bed 

light grey white fog against invisible shoulder of ridge waves breaking on sand to the right of channel

Monday, October 23, 2023


pale yellow edge of cloudless blue sky above ridge three sparrows landing by seeds on table below fence 

making this time also thoughts on paper colors correspond to those before and after falling white green 

breathing out eyes opening sound of two owls calling on branches across from window yellow and blue bed 

yellow orange edge of cloudless blue sky beside shoulder of ridge wave breaking across mouth of channel

Sunday, October 22, 2023


light grey rain cloud against still invisible ridge sparrow flapping up from seeds on table below fence 

vision adjustment of color suggested between lines of stress events overlapping forms systems of motion 

breathing out eyes closed opening sound of golden-crowned sparrow calling in window yellow and blue bed 

grey rain cloud against invisible shoulder of ridge wave breaking into windblown white mouth of channel


yellow orange cloud in pale blue sky above ridge blue jay flapping up from seeds on table next to fence 

painting from a series in which geometric forms rectangular containers movement in patterns on surfaces 

breathing out eyes slowly opening sunlit green leaves on branches in window next to yellow and blue bed 

sunlit whiteness of cloud above shoulder of ridge lines of white waves breaking across mouth of channel

Friday, October 20, 2023


grey whiteness of fog against top of shadowed ridge 2 crows flapping up from seeds on table below fence 

two follows what has been proved observed present addition of four therefore the first second and third 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening motion of shadowed leaves in window next to yellow and blue bed 

grey whiteness of fog against top of shoulder of ridge waves breaking across windblown mouth of channel

Thursday, October 19, 2023


yellow red orange edge of cloudless blue sky above ridge blue jay landing by seeds on table below fence 

system of coordinates selected length place direction figure of geometry in words corresponding to ends 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening motionless green leaves on branch in window yellow and blue bed 

red orange edge of sky next to black shoulder of ridge line of wave breaking to the left across channel


cloudless pale blue whiteness of sky above still black ridge quails next to seeds on table beside fence 

who is here in afternoon thought stopped by the same ones who are being hostile leave to decide whether 

breathing in eyes closed opening motionless black leaves on branch in window beside yellow and blue bed 

yellow red orange edge of sky next to shoulder of ridge white line of wave breaking in mouth of channel

Tuesday, October 17, 2023


light grey whiteness of fog against invisible ridge sparrows landing next to seeds on table below fence 

tell the story running man limbs rigid head maybe in shadows half light blood looking through landscape 

breathing out eyes opening golden-crowned sparrow calling on branch in window above yellow and blue bed 

grey whiteness of fog against invisible shoulder of ridge line of wave breaking on sand next to channel

Monday, October 16, 2023


bright whiteness of planet in still black sky above ridge sparrow landing by seeds on table below fence 

between at this time the last six words continue perhaps today those few elements divided in such a way 

breathing out eyes closed opening blackness of leaves on branches in window next to yellow and blue bed 

light coming into edge of sky above black shoulder of ridge lines of waves breaking in mouth of channel

Sunday, October 15, 2023


light grey whiteness of fog against still invisible ridge quails pecking up seeds on table beside fence 

objects not only physical points sensitive to heat and cold appear more together part of sensory system 

breathing in breathing out eyes closed opening song sparrow calling in window above yellow and blue bed 

grey whiteness of fog still against invisible shoulder of ridge pelicans flapping across toward channel

Saturday, October 14, 2023


light grey whiteness of clouds against invisible ridge 8 quails pecking up seeds on table next to fence 

what becomes a thing in the mirror when all of a sudden one is present bench a tree each in its own way 

breathing out eyes closed opening crow calling on branch across from window next to yellow and blue bed 

grey whiteness of rain cloud against black shoulder of ridge white edge of wave breaking across channel

Friday, October 13, 2023


cloudless pale blue whiteness of sky above shadowed ridge quails landing by seeds on table beside fence 

photograph of sketch recovered from most recent attack possibly in addition to copies of work by others 

breathing out eyes closed opening motionless green leaves on branch in window above yellow and blue bed 

yellow red orange edge of cloud next to shoulder of ridge line of wave breaking across mouth of channel

Thursday, October 12, 2023


cloudless pale blue white sky above still shadowed ridge quails pecking up seeds on table next to fence 

trace of image of things that move others derived from which forms gliding across vision blinding speed 

breathing in breathing out eyes slowly opening first bird chirping in window beside yellow and blue bed 

yellow red orange edge of sky next to shoulder of ridge pelicans circling across above mouth of channel

Wednesday, October 11, 2023


cloudless blue pale whiteness of sky above still shadowed ridge no birds by seeds on table beside fence 

position of the moment appears transcribed sense of now some sense of balance variation after variation 

breathing in eyes opening motion of shadowed green leaves on branch in window above yellow and blue bed 

yellow red orange edge of pale blue sky beside shoulder of ridge white line of wave in mouth of channel

Tuesday, October 10, 2023


cloudless blue white sky above still shadowed ridge two sparrows landing by seeds on table beside fence 

variant present given in terms selected in order to demonstrate right hand side later shown at a glance 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening shadowed green leaves on branches in window yellow and blue bed 

yellow orange edge of pale blue sky next to shoulder of ridge waves breaking to the left across channel


grey whiteness of clouds against top of shadowed ridge quails landing beside seeds on table below fence 

one hand corresponding differences other hand in space two systems two expressions two relations length 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening sound of birds chirping on branch in window yellow and blue bed 

grey whiteness of clouds against top of shoulder of ridge wave breaking on sand to the right of channel

Sunday, October 8, 2023


light grey whiteness of fog against invisible ridge sparrow flapping up from seeds on table below fence 

subject thought position sitting here what just happens comes to mind afternoon thinking two and a half 

breathing out eyes closed opening white-crowned sparrow calling on branch in window yellow and blue bed 

grey whiteness of fog against shoulder of ridge line of 10 pelicans flapping to the left toward channel

Saturday, October 7, 2023


yellow orange edge of cloudless blue sky above ridge seven quails pecking up seeds on table below fence 

painting different from looking at face a few inches away sight of reflection staring too hard at doing 

breathing in eyes closed opening song sparrow calling from branch in window next to yellow and blue bed 

blinding whiteness of sun next to shoulder of ridge line of six pelicans flapping across toward channel


cloudless pale blue white sky above still shadowed ridge quails landing by seeds on table next to fence 

feeling of living in a dream recedes slowly between people will no longer be an empty sound seven words 

breathing out eyes opening golden-crowned sparrow calling on branch in window above yellow and blue bed 

yellow orange edge of sky beside black shoulder of ridge lines of swells moving toward mouth of channel


yellow red orange edge of sky beside still black ridge blue jay landing by seeds on table next to fence 

visual perception of two lines optical illusion the object which slips through fingers movement of hand 

breathing out eyes closed opening shadowed green leaves on branch in window next to yellow and blue bed 

red orange edge of cloudless pale blue sky above shoulder of ridge breaking on sand across from channel


cloudless blue white sky above shadowed ridge two blue jays landing beside seeds on table next to fence 

shift in thinking responding to things as objects and former objects once in the way to becoming things 

breathing out eyes opening white-crowned sparrow calling on branch in window beside yellow and blue bed 

pale yellow orange edge of sky above black shoulder of ridge waves breaking on sand across from channel


light grey whiteness of fog against invisible ridge first sparrow landing by seeds on table below fence 

painted over sometimes on paper remains visible the second figure last three interior views upper right 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening crow calling from branch across from window yellow and blue bed 

grey whiteness of fog against top of shoulder of ridge waves breaking to the left into mouth of channel


grey whiteness of fog against still invisible ridge two sparrows landing by seeds on table beside fence 

figures in space dismembered image subject matter abstracted from things numbers from things that count 

breathing out eyes slowly opening shadowed green leaves on branches in window above yellow and blue bed 

light grey whiteness of fog against shoulder of ridge white lines of waves breaking in mouth of channel


sunlit white edge of cloud above shadowed green ridge sparrows flapping up from seeds on table to fence 

sketch in early phase of position in space effect of light day by day moment arrives in hollow distance 

breathing out eyes opening sound of white-crowned sparrow calling on branch next to fellow and blue bed 

sunlit white cloud in pale blue sky above shoulder of ridge line of wave breaking into mouth of channel


sunlit white clouds in pale blue sky above ridge two sparrows landing beside seeds on table below fence 

line drawn from points four follows from second form in the first place shows present sees sum of terms 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening crows calling from branches in window above yellow and blue bed 

blinding white circle of sun in pale blue sky beside shoulder of ridge pelicans flapping toward channel


pale blue whiteness of sky next to sunlit edge of granite ridge bird flapping across toward pine branch 

measured by clock rest on the other hand known in the form of getting relation between length and times 

breathing in breathing out eyes closed opening bird calling from branch across from yellow and blue bed 

sunlit edge of triangular granite peak reflection of snow on slope below it in motion of windblown lake


first pale orange of sunlight on triangular granite ridge sound of water falling on rocks in foreground 

mistaken relation comes to later a different experience thought less the attention in time to set aside 

breathing in breathing out eyes closed opening bird standing on shadowed granite rock below pine branch 

blinding white edge of sun coming up above granite peak white patch of snow on ridge to the right of it


bright whiteness of planet in still black sky above ridge motion of windblown bamboo leaves above fence 

whites of eyes level of looking whether or not sometimes finding words going to take care of themselves 

breathing in breathing out eyes opening shadowed black leaves on branches in window yellow and blue bed 

bright whiteness of stars above black shoulder of ridge lines of white lights on horizon across from it