Sunday, May 31, 2020


motionless grey clouds against shadowed green ridge

wingspan of crow flapping to the left toward branch

looking again flat glare sky in something I can see

subject called physical thought standing against it

huge wave washing through porthole reminding reader

Monet views of Notre Dame at different times of day

shadowed grey white clouds beside still black ridge

line of pelicans flapping to the right toward point

Saturday, May 30, 2020


grey whiteness of cloud slanting across green ridge

quail walking to the left across bricks below fence

petal there without a field rock that is a presence

see for the third time what about house in a letter

unseen heat lightning in window above sleeper’s bed

followed by soft sound of thunder fading into night

blue opening of sky in clouds beside shadowed ridge

white line of wave breaking on sand next to channel

Friday, May 29, 2020


grey whiteness of fog against top of shadowed ridge

sound of unseen crow calling on branch across field

illustrated letter passed between sketch of present

something concealed in name not experienced thought

letter on desk whose last line read I wait to again

walk in the woods of our land with you dear comrade

grey whiteness of fog against still invisible ridge

line of pelicans flapping to the right toward point

Thursday, May 28, 2020


grey whiteness of fog against still invisible ridge

crow landing on left edge of shadowed redwood fence

those called to serve further forced to return home

present call of passing confined to one point sight

one’s mired down in inescapable earthbound concerns

other on ship bow sees sea and sky crossing Pacific

grey whiteness of fog still against invisible ridge

line of pelicans flapping from channel toward point

Wednesday, May 27, 2020


white circle of sun in blue white sky next to ridge

blue jay standing on edge of shadowed redwood fence

space before further conditions light in place that

notes so as to interfere with text no other purpose

shape of right margin not essential line determined

not by visual shape but counting sound of syllables

blinding edge of sun in cloudless blue sky by ridge

white line of light reflected in motionless channel

Tuesday, May 26, 2020


blinding edge of sun coming up above shadowed ridge

sound of crows calling back and forth in foreground

light this morning looking closely there’s too much

thereby think of being present coincide with called

light and its absence in sunlit rose petal on right

behind paler pink white ones in shadowed foreground

shaft of light slanting across shadowed green ridge

white line of wave breaking on sand next to channel

Monday, May 25, 2020


blinding white circle of sun coming up beside ridge

blackness of crow standing on edge of redwood fence

condition of possibility which shows it can be both

also desire to see it again which one needs to move

one who turns what is seen across the channel ridge

blue sky water color tones on two-dimensional plane

blinding circle of sun in pale blue sky above ridge

horizontal white line of light reflected in channel

Sunday, May 24, 2020


sun in high thin white clouds beside shadowed ridge

silhouette of sparrow on left edge of redwood fence

how the record appeared possibly also place between

sense of hand at first sight event more than change

opportunities for change in the physical and mental

readiness whether wanted or not don’t come so often

sunlight slanting across pale blue sky toward ridge

white line of light reflected in motionless channel

Saturday, May 23, 2020


sun rising into cloudless pale blue sky above ridge

sound of unseen bird calling in field in foreground

one who for years had been combine idea of position

simultaneity of figure present the subject may seem

after all those weeks of rain the world around here

now appears to be covered over in light green paint

blinding circle of sun in pale blue sky above ridge

edge of triangular white wave breaking into channel

Friday, May 22, 2020


sun rising into cloudless pale blue sky above ridge

motion of sunlit grasses bending in windblown field

physical relations which show further time opposite

mental image of world which will be following given

man in white van seeing how waves middle of channel

went from beautiful novel to horror show in minutes

blinding white of sun in cloudless sky beside ridge

wingspan of osprey circling across mouth of channel

Thursday, May 21, 2020


edge of sun coming up above tree-lined top of ridge

sound of crows calling back and forth in foreground

isolation dissolved in words which reach to contain

something there in relation to subject modern sense

pattern of walnut tree branches below pale blue sky

whiteness of sun by man in black wetsuit’s shoulder

white edge of sun in cloud beside shoulder of ridge

line of pelicans flapping from channel toward point

Wednesday, May 20, 2020


blinding whiteness of sun above cloud next to ridge

silhouette of crow landing on edge of redwood fence

position only as long as method thing without which

after memory in book blue stresses the circumstance

remembered dream going up to mesa too tired to walk

sound of kids riding along on bikes and skateboards

blinding white sun above cloud by shoulder of ridge

parallel blue lines of swells moving toward channel

Tuesday, May 19, 2020


blinding whiteness of sun above clouds beside ridge

yellow of iris next to pink red roses in foreground

page of letter found period had did it find its way

means to say at the same time sense making building

green surface of old growth boxwood geometry making

minimalist meaning to include the ideas it contains

sun rising into cloud above black shoulder of ridge

silver line of wave breaking into windblown channel

Monday, May 18, 2020


bright whiteness of sun beside clouds against ridge

swallow slanting toward edge of house in foreground

look with eye as well as one still was not the same

last series of forms third presences under one roof

vertical pale blue-framed window small rock on sill

looking at pink red rose flowers beginning to bloom

blinding white sun above cloud by shoulder of ridge

silver line of light reflected in windblown channel

Sunday, May 17, 2020


sun in light grey fog against still invisible ridge

quail on left corner of redwood fence in foreground

image of how space defined physical relations which

think of sequence even those who view between notes

sound of monosyllable sleeps in unstressed position

sequence of 5-note ascent from one line to the next

sunlight in fog against invisible shoulder of ridge

white line of wave breaking on sand next to channel

Saturday, May 16, 2020


sun rising into diagonal lines of cloud above ridge

2 blue jays standing on bricks beside redwood fence

color at the same time other moment at which moment

shining more and more relation to something counted

opening in clouds one star up there faint as a star

when one is shining in the sky otherwise sleep well

whiteness of sun in clouds beside still black ridge

line of pelicans gliding to the left toward channel

Friday, May 15, 2020


white circle of sun rising next to tree-lined ridge

sound of crows calling from branches across from it

found in this one remains still idea find in things

memory then of date more than inscribed view letter

witness these things as calling of them and to them

one that is still calling even if it makes no sound

blinding whiteness sun in pale blue sky above ridge

line of white water breaking across sand in channel

Thursday, May 14, 2020


light grey rain cloud against still invisible ridge

2 streaked sparrows perched on feeder next to fence

found other page part of sketch of the yellow house

nature of dwelling which reaches in versions answer

too much emphasis on question of who you seem to be

wheels of life grind to a halt in search of answers

grey rain cloud against invisible shoulder of ridge

shadowed white wave breaking into windblown channel

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


pale grey rain cloud against invisible top of ridge

sound of bird calling on branch in right foreground

contact with others which led to thinking of others

last of many figures with space makes both of these

one wakes from dream to one goes down to skate park

five minutes later breaks tibia fibula in right leg

grey white rain cloud against still invisible ridge

diagonal white line of wave breaking across channel

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


light grey rain cloud against still invisible ridge

motionless wet green grasses in field in foreground

picturing relations in a visual continuum of events

like image of world which lies open to light of day

warm rain on roof at night rain soothing rain sound

rain here at least turning world into a green world

sunlit lower edge of clouds against invisible ridge

line of white wave breaking on sand next to channel

Monday, May 11, 2020


light grey clouds moving right to left beside ridge

black wingspan of crow gliding into left foreground

rhythm of color kind of transparent line which time

light perceived as something appearance in sense of

bronze Buddha on granite rock in the window looking

out at ridge how the pause worked at the line break

whiteness of sun in clouds beside shoulder of ridge

white lines of wave breaking into windblown channel

Sunday, May 10, 2020


grey whiteness of fog against top of shadowed ridge

unseen birds calling from branch across green field

position whether actual exchange nothing for anyone

water as water known when question is one of twelve

how turning sideways might change one’s perspective

fading roses climbing over horizontal cypress trunk

grey white fog against still invisible top of ridge

line of white wave breaking across mouth of channel