Friday, January 31, 2020


pale orange lines of clouds above still black ridge

motionless green bamboo leaves beside redwood fence

following something should have been done from what

people finding what there was of it after so-called

moving from looking at asking what happened to each

present moment takes place here and everywhere else

yellow red orange of clouds above shoulder of ridge

shadowed line of swell approaching mouth of channel

Thursday, January 30, 2020


light in window opposite unmade yellow and blue bed

golden-crowned sparrow beside green glass back door

tree a night picture black beautiful blue and green

suspend in duration less now bound in world’s night

glare of water breaking on rocks in black and white

pair of photos left one with body the other without

grey whiteness of fog against still invisible ridge

white line of wave breaking on sand next to channel

Wednesday, January 29, 2020


blue white of sky above sunlit green slope of ridge

sun rising into windblown bamboo leaves above fence

before opened a one-day appearance still figurative

panels of sun shadows light the existence of planes

shapes of clouds following sun line on moving water

listener hearing sound of waves breaking in channel

blinding white circle of sun in clouds beside ridge

yellow line of light reflected in windblown channel

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


light grey rain cloud against still invisible ridge

two towhees pecking up seeds on bricks below feeder

from any other which could be from these particular

straight line imagined parallel to a starting point

sound as an acoustic shape its shape a visual sound

each line separate and connected to lines around it

grey white rain cloud still against invisible ridge

sound of white water breaking into mouth of channel


Monday, January 27, 2020


grey whiteness of fog against still invisible ridge

white-crowned sparrow landing on fence above feeder

overlook through which seeing hurries to experience

in between the next few lines either future or past

arrangement of letters in words running across page

think of lines as enactments of how and what we see

grey whiteness of fog still against invisible ridge

white lines of waves breaking into mouth of channel

Sunday, January 26, 2020


white edge of grey cloud above shadowed green ridge

two white-crowned sparrows landing on redwood fence

chosen because this way knows the following instant

person not possible to refer to the sun wind viewed

what was happening in the picture an event material

person’s hand approaching the two-dimensional plane

sunlit whiteness of cloud next to shoulder of ridge

shadowed line of swell approaching mouth of channel

Saturday, January 25, 2020


grey blackness of sky against still invisible ridge

motionless black pine branches beside redwood fence

street under a blue sky stars dark violet and green

passed the once present partake in what is presumed

speaking of no sound the first one that comes along

change from making to whatever comes of consequence

grey line of light on horizon to the right of ridge

sound of waves breaking on sand across from channel

Friday, January 24, 2020


light coming into clouds above black plane of ridge

blue jay landing on edge redwood fence above feeder

lasting one was also present seems open before that

over as shaded light seeing symbol of the sun’s eye

located in place things and events in which looking

move between window closing and reflection in glass

pale orange of clouds above black shoulder of ridge

line of shadowed swell approaching mouth of channel

Thursday, January 23, 2020


dream in unmade yellow and blue bed opposite window

photograph of father still looking like Johnny Cash

same time holds simultaneous light in higher degree

point as before the center of curvature normal line

eyes drifting across the page finding certain words

opposite to how everything changes someone on paper

yellow red orange sky above black shoulder of ridge

shadowed line of swell approaching mouth of channel

Wednesday, January 22, 2020


triangular grey cloud in blue white sky above ridge

5 white-crowned sparrows lining up on redwood fence

look what holds under visible things between vision

so often by 10 o’clock the difference between seems

looks like shadowed tree at lowest point of horizon

field of grass below sunlit clouds in pale blue sky

white edge of sun coming up above clouds on horizon

white line of wave breaking across mouth of channel

Tuesday, January 21, 2020


light grey rain cloud against still invisible ridge

sparrows lined up on edge of shadowed redwood fence

see at least for a moment situation comes into play

method a fact objective mention sun as much as wind

moving between action we can’t see to action we can

whose exterior surface reflect that interior action

grey white rain cloud above black shoulder of ridge

windblown white wave breaking into mouth of channel

Monday, January 20, 2020


light in window opposite unmade yellow and blue bed

birds line up on edge of redwood fence above feeder

brightness of streets pinkish violet front of house

what occurs gathers which has passed away before it

one continues to think in retrospect about painting

murals on bottom of swimming pool filled with water

grey whiteness of sky above black shoulder of ridge

diagonal white line of wave breaking across channel

Sunday, January 19, 2020


grey whiteness of clouds above shadowed green ridge

motion of green bamboo leaves next to redwood fence

light surrounding solid volumes what they saw heard

both become less the limit of doors overhead floats

fact of attention to word enactment events in world

happens when one stops to see hears it taking place

red orange of cloud next to black shoulder of ridge

white lines of waves breaking into mouth of channel


grey lines of clouds in blue white sky beside ridge

towhee on bricks across from green glass black door

observe from the point interval at rest relative to

describe another moving point passing through world

something about perception of things out the window

seen and heard in words that change that site scene

blinding whiteness of sun above cloud next to ridge

white line of light reflected on motionless channel

Friday, January 17, 2020


diagonal pink line of cloud above still black ridge

sparrows standing on edge of shadowed redwood fence

closest therefore to the seeing of sense perception

before morning part the story of light in sky seems

atmosphere on other side of someone who sees action

intersection changed by what appears to be going on

reddish edge of grey cloud beside shoulder of ridge

moon in pale blue sky above NO PARKING ANYTIME sign

Thursday, January 16, 2020


rain clouds moving against invisible plane of ridge  

windblown black pine branches next to redwood fence

actual same experience of idea which something sees

rather than the second material approach to subject

relation between one’s experience in actual present

world and words transcribed on two-dimensional page

grey rain cloud against invisible shoulder of ridge

whiteness of wave breaking across windblown channel

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