Sunday, July 31, 2016


light in window opposite unmade yellow and blue bed

sound of jet passing above blackness of pine branch

various objects on table, view the still white road

curtain pulled away, flat aspect, absolute presence

to what extent might you compare black and white to

yellow or red or blue, and to what extent can’t you

whiteness of fog against shadowed shoulder of ridge

white line of wave breaking across mouth of channel

Saturday, July 30, 2016


dream in unmade yellow and blue bed opposite window

still grey whiteness of fog against invisible ridge

furthermore, with respect to form expressed by also

motion, velocity equal to light path, time interval

full airplane full of jet fuel smells, husband says

find a light area below the dark from which I write

grey whiteness of fog against still invisible ridge

white lines of waves moving across mouth of channel

Friday, July 29, 2016


man waking from dream in unmade yellow and blue bed

grey white blackness of fog against invisible ridge

as long as bringing about look, founded on the seen

pick up stone, reflection of arms, standing back at

rocks is so dense, so lyrical, so detailed centered

as if you were on Mars, or catching clouds in a sky

grey whiteness of fog still against invisible ridge

white line of wave breaking toward mouth of channel

Thursday, July 28, 2016


still grey whiteness of fog against ridge in window

unseen towhee calling from branch in field below it

what passage from present had, which has brought it

blue, opposite descending into, takes in sound when

one living inside increasingly abstract Stein texts

which leaves one in a strange non-territory of mind

grey whiteness of fog against still invisible ridge

shadowed grey lines of swells moving toward channel

Wednesday, July 27, 2016


grey whiteness of fog still against ridge in window

drops falling from shadowed branches across from it

second take on the figure “laden with boxes, props”

calls those there, things among them, different man

woman frozen all summer in wordless incomprehension

unable to send postcard though can think and wonder

still grey whiteness of fog against invisible ridge

motionless grey fog on horizon to the left of point

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


grey whiteness of fog still against invisible ridge

drops falling from shadowed branches across from it

rosebud striped vase still life, objects with lines

spatial presence, without being painted, revelation

man’s angel-on-earth perspective, Chrysler Building

next to clouds, Claude Lorrain’s drawings at Legion

motionless grey white fog against shoulder of ridge

triangular whiteness of wave to the left of channel

Monday, July 25, 2016


grey whiteness of fog again against invisible ridge

motionless brown towhee standing on shadowed branch

systems are to each other indeed, from this follows

one or two other systems, “stationary,” moving body

man dreaming of The Golden Age, how a certain chord

change in Mozart brought forth something of Arcadia

grey whiteness of fog still against invisible ridge

line of pelicans flapping to the right toward point

Sunday, July 24, 2016


dream in unmade yellow and blue bed opposite window

red-faced neighbor above fence, his house in flames

being concealed point to, “witness” bearing witness

clear as day, boy leaning arms in water, is visible

man recalling younger brother chasing him up stairs

with hammer in hand, smashing it through front door

grey whiteness of fog across from shoulder of ridge

line of pelicans flapping to the right toward point

Saturday, July 23, 2016


blue whiteness of sky above shadowed plane of ridge

waning white moon beside rose branch across from it

possible, how is that not in which a moment appears

years now since, “rising” higher, sound becoming it

your voice at that moment in my wilderness of which

I speak, said that in a past that seemed so distant

still blue whiteness of sky above shoulder of ridge

line of pelicans flapping to the right toward point

Friday, July 22, 2016


light in window opposite unmade yellow and blue bed

white circle of moon between shadowed rose branches

present event, the second seated figure pen and ink

drawing of, in the manner of, less from the more of

father noting that “life has become more meaningful

to me, who not catch the flame and become a doctor”

cloudless pale blue white sky beside shadowed ridge

waning whiteness of moon by NO PARKING ANYTIME sign

Thursday, July 21, 2016


line of cloud moving from left to right above ridge

waning whiteness of moon by branches across from it

measurement with flowers, against small white house

abstract spaces, observer understood, that distance

yellow orange rectangular shape below blue mountain

crow calling from cypress branch in left foreground

orange clouds moving from left to right above ridge

waning white circle of moon by point across from it

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


light in window opposite unmade yellow and blue bed

crow calling on shadowed pine branch across from it

is in addition to setting where again, same letter

two as follows, by which, whether these referred to

man half dreaming letter to you whilst sitting here

in bed, the delirious aftermath of some weird “cold”

cloudless blue white sky above still shadowed ridge

sunlit white plane of fog on horizon across from it

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


light grey white fog in window against top of ridge

unseen towhee calling from shadowed branch below it

not seen from, ones “see” and have seen as such can

place of picture, against ear then, moving other as

father listening to NY Philharmonic on radio Sunday

afternoons, “little by little music seeped into me

grey line of fog against shadowed shoulder of ridge

white lines of waves in mouth of motionless channel

Monday, July 18, 2016


grey whiteness of fog against top of shadowed ridge

blue jay perched on apple tree branch in foreground

beginning of point taking shape on horizon, in this

other color you “see” it, rising, like sound played

boy in red jacket having a déjà vu, drinking orange

juice and watching John John Florence at J-Bay Open

grey pink of fog against shadowed shoulder of ridge

line of pelicans flapping to the right toward point

Sunday, July 17, 2016


still grey whiteness of fog against invisible ridge

motionless quail on grape stake post across from it

light of such for example version of, and shoulders

open to what, unconcealed means fit, as way open in

Bill hoping he’ll have stamina for Writers Workshop

let Lynn describe the heartache of hay fever season

light grey whiteness of fog against invisible ridge

line of wave breaking in windblown mouth of channel

Saturday, July 16, 2016


motionless whiteness of fog against invisible ridge

blue jay standing on grape stake post in foreground

measure size, followed by corresponding number with

it in this, from opposite pictorial space, complete

wonderful how succinct the seasons have been, truly

spring “up on a twig a left tuft stands” Edwin says

grey whiteness of fog against still invisible ridge

wave moving across windblown white mouth of channel

Friday, July 15, 2016


light grey whiteness of fog in window against ridge

shadowed sparrow standing on redwood fence below it

varied in scalar density, shall construct such from

further quantity of, call it “time of,” velocity of

however quiet means “slow” slowly fading away quiet

what slips away, summer into autumn evening of year

grey whiteness of fog still against invisible ridge

line of pelicans flapping from point toward channel

Thursday, July 14, 2016


thick grey whiteness of fog against invisible ridge

two towhees calling back and forth in near distance

“got” signifies according to its root, and hence is

dimensional, to the point of vanishing, place in it

man noting “violin coming along, my bowing and tone

a tad better “be thankful you’re 10,000 miles away”

motionless whiteness of fog against invisible ridge

line of pelicans gliding to the left toward channel

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


grey whiteness of fog again against invisible ridge

unseen towhee calling from somewhere there in field

scarcely moves at all and in the same way, receding

association with a color, for example, “hear” sound

blond boy on bench asking what’s that noise, man on

red and yellow long board shacked beside GROIN sign

whiteness of fog against shadowed shoulder of ridge

line of pelicans flapping from channel toward point

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


grey cloud moving to the right above shadowed ridge

unseen towhee calling from somewhere below branches

two positions, three that have suggested themselves

physical, in the sense of from does not mean to, is

hummingbird stopped at lavender flower beside fence

man wrapped in towel rinsing wetsuit across from it

cloudless blue sky above shadowed shoulder of ridge

line of pelicans flapping across motionless channel

Monday, July 11, 2016


waking up from dream in unmade yellow and blue bed 

reappearance of woman after skiing all winter in VT

private collection, still followed by numbers refer

to it that entered, event derived from, whence that

honeybee stopped at circular orange flower by green

glass back door, boy wanting to go look at the surf

pink orange of sky above shadowed shoulder of ridge

fish hawk with fish in claw flapping across channel