Sunday, March 31, 2013


light coming into fog against invisible
top of ridge, robin calling from branch
in foreground, sound of wave in channel

      period not along in feeling
      such events, possibly

      revision of seeing reversed,
      picture shifts, scene

triangular white peak in blue white sky,
sunlit green of trees on ridge below it

Saturday, March 30, 2013


light coming into sky through blackness
of trees, moon by branch in lower right
foreground, no sound of wave in channel

      step forward, which will be
      motion of gravitation

      mass of system, in place of
      matter, in mixed form

sunlit white peak against pale blue sky,
waning whiteness of moon across from it

Friday, March 29, 2013


light coming into sky through blackness
of trees, moon beside branches in right
foreground, no sound of wave in channel

      things simply as if the way
      itself appears, about
      spatial structure, trees in
      position, white touch

grey white of cloud against top of peak,
shadowed green trees to the right of it

Thursday, March 28, 2013


light coming into sky through blackness
of trees, crow calling from upper right
foreground, no sound of wave in channel

      present is actually present,
      the latter may appear

      mechanical, to the beholder,
      “a man of the present”

grey white of sky reflected in channel,
cormorant flapping across toward ridge