Monday, August 31, 2009


grey light in fog against shadowed green

top of ridge, sparrow calling from lower

right foreground, sound of car in street


      stand in its standing-there,

      for something in place


      point toward center, linear

      structure, color value


grey-white sky on horizon next to point,

shadowed canyon of ridge across channel

Sunday, August 30, 2009


grey whiteness of fog against invisible

ridge, song sparrow calling from branch

in foreground, sound of wave in channel


      and, to construct a line

      parallel to the line


      for example, three terms,

      appear to be instead


silver of sunlight reflected in channel,

white cloud in pale blue sky on horizon

Saturday, August 29, 2009


first grey light in sky above black plane

of ridge, silver of planet beside branch

in foreground, sound of wave in channel


      elements up to moment which,

      resemblance possible


      extending dimension of time,

      picture plane, space


pale blue sky on horizon beside point,

line of 4 pelicans flapping toward it

Friday, August 28, 2009


first grey light in sky above blackness

of ridge, silver of planet above branch

in foreground, sound of wave in channel


      which means the “concealed,”

      that is “literal” one


      silhouette of white in sky,

      is morning before, it


cloudless blue sky reflected in channel,

grey-white fog on horizon next to point

Thursday, August 27, 2009


grey whiteness of fog against invisible

ridge, crow calling on branch in right

foreground, sound of waves in channel


      perception before object,

      landscape in feeling


      amount of time to follow,

      therefore, formation


whiteness of cloud against sunlit ridge,

grey-white fog on horizon next to point

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


grey whiteness of fog against invisible

ridge, song sparrow calling from branch

in foreground, sound of wave in channel


      along line, starting point

      function of the time


      articulate detail, example,

      tall vertical branch


sunlit tip of peak below pale blue sky,

shadowed slope of ridge across from it


first grey light in sky above blackness

of tree, silver of planet above branch

in foreground, sound of water on rock


      “take something as something,”

      disclose unconcealed


      said to be one another, thus,

      running through that


grey-white fog on horizon next to point,

whiteness of gull perched on GROIN sign

Monday, August 24, 2009


grey whiteness of fog against invisible

ridge, song sparrow calling from branch

in foreground, sound of wave in channel


      continuous picture of part,

      the look of the point


      that incident left, leaves

      and branches, connect


grey-white of fog reflected in channel,

line of pelicans flapping toward point

Sunday, August 23, 2009


grey whiteness of fog against invisible

ridge, red-tailed hawk calling in left

foreground, sound of waves in channel


      adjacent line in foreground,

      compositional element


      as it were, “representation”

      then, presents itself


grey-white fog on horizon next to point,

whiteness of gull perched on GROIN sign

Saturday, August 22, 2009


first grey light in sky above blackness

of ridge, silver of planet above branch

in foreground, sound of wave in channel


      line of leaves on the side,

      not touching the frame


      various passages, graphite

      tree on right, visible


blue-white sky on horizon next to point,

whiteness of gull perched on GROIN sign

Friday, August 21, 2009


grey whiteness of fog against invisible

ridge, song sparrow calling from branch

in foreground, sound of wave in channel


      take something for something,

      space of concealedness


      adjacent white, that comes on,

      thinking about to look


grey-white sky on horizon next to point,

whiteness of gull landing on GROIN sign

Thursday, August 20, 2009


first grey light in fog against invisible

ridge, bird calling from branch in right

foreground, no sound of wave in channel


      material surface, measured

      to a relative degree


      to see these pieces a part,

      color, its structure


grey-white fog against top of ridge,

line of pelicans flapping toward it

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


grey whiteness of fog against invisible

ridge, red-tailed hawk calling in right

foreground, no sound of wave in channel


      itself “floating” in space,

      that material surface


      phenomena in perception is,

      as such which, itself


grey-white fog on horizon next to point

whiteness of gull perched on GROIN sign

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


grey whiteness of fog against invisible

ridge, sparrow calling from lower right

foreground, no sound of wave in channel


      point in cloud, with which I

      compose ‘true’ world 


      synonymous with depth, those

      elements, that space


grey-white fog on horizon next to point,

whiteness of gull perched on GROIN sign

Monday, August 17, 2009


grey whiteness of fog against invisible

ridge, song sparrow calling from bricks

in foreground, sound of wave in channel


      associated with it, which is

      change in perception


      related word no longer seems,

      concealing, not that


grey-white fog on horizon next to point,

tree-lined green of ridge above channel

Sunday, August 16, 2009


grey whiteness of fog against invisible

ridge, song sparrow calling from branch

in foreground, sound of wave in channel


      that may be to each other,

      different directions


      that objects, in position,

      depictions of nature


silver of sunlight reflected in channel,

white of moon in pale blue sky above it

Saturday, August 15, 2009


grey whiteness of fog against invisible

ridge, song sparrow calling from branch

in foreground, sound of wave in channel


      “hiddenness” is concealment,

      “dissembling” hiding


      which makes it that, action,

      sets of expectations


cloudless blue sky reflected in channel,

whiteness of waning moon across from it

Friday, August 14, 2009


first grey light in sky above black plane

of ridge, silver of planet beside branch

in foreground, sound of wave in channel


      in “different than” resides

      “not-such-as,” conceal


      complex of line, in the end,

      becomes one with plane


silver of sunlight reflected in channel,

whiteness of moon in cloudless blue sky 

Thursday, August 13, 2009


first grey light in sky above blackness

of ridge, white half moon beside leaves

in foreground, sound of wave in channel


      distant seen across plain,

      picture plane closer


      incident of leaves across,

      left, visible branch


grey-white fog against invisible point,

slope of sandstone cliff above channel

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


grey whiteness of fog against invisible

ridge, song sparrow calling from branch

in foreground, sound of wave in channel


      absorption in work, is why

      everything in picture


      and also, at the same time,

      which means “conceal”


grey-white sky on horizon next to point,

shadowed sandstone cliff across from it

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


grey whiteness of fog against invisible

ridge, song sparrow calling from branch

in foreground, sound of wave in channel


      objective resemblance, ‘form’

      of perception itself


      something that, to experience

      surface, see that is


silver line of sun reflected in channel,

white of moon in pale blue sky above it

Monday, August 10, 2009


pale orange light in sky above black plane

of ridge, silver of planet next to branch

in foreground, sound of waves in channel


      point of such possibilities,

      but the optical surface


      presence of dawn in picture,

      after thought, material


blue whiteness of sky reflected in channel,

tree-lined green canyon of ridge across it

Sunday, August 9, 2009


silver circle of sun in whiteness of sky

above ridge, birds calling from branches

in foreground, sound of waves in channel


      picture plane is space-like,

      can be made to vanish


      maintains position, concept

      of space as act, less


sunlit tip of peak against pale blue sky,

white of moon above ridge across from it


first grey light in sky above triangular

black peak, white of moon next to ridge

in foreground, sound of water on rocks


      concept of object opposed to

      arrangement, surface


      which to the perceived world,

      consciousness, think


edge of sun rising over shadowed ridge,

bright silver of planet across from it